proactive management and project control

The current projects business market related to Project Based Enterprises has become ever more crowded and competitive. As a consequence, management strategies, response time and the effectiveness of the responses to the changes require proactive project management, in order to ensure that the expected outcomes are achieved.


A process is effective only when it is based on reliable tools and rules

If the activities are not planned, it will not be possible to assess the relevant performances

It is not possible to improve what is not measured

A good decision making process can only be based on reliable and continuously updated information


what we do

The services offered by PDA are based on trusted processes that aim to a productive and profitable PROACTIVE PROJECT MANAGEMENT.

Assistance to the project start up

Production and management of the project procedure

Project control

Physical progress measurement

Risks and opportunities assessment

Periodic reports

  • (+39) 342 506 0657
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